7.8 stars -
Snowpiercer ?123movieshub
story Snowpiercer is a movie starring Chris Evans, Jamie Bell, and Tilda Swinton. In a future where a failed climate-change experiment has killed all life except for the lucky few who boarded the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around
Czech Republic
Liked It 281707 Votes
126 minute
Writed by Benjamin Legrand

1:41. A Leader saying he"s not a Leader Cliche. Low key spoiled the end.
This has me a lot more excited than it should. I hope it becomes a classic, like the first Tremors. 1:51, its theresa may. Yes, but you might not be picking up on the whole idea here. The end of capitalism when it becomes out of balance is feudalism. or strongman tactics and results. You are my favorite youtuber Goddamn I can"t believe i never knew you existed until now. The War Doctor could"ve taken em. 10:33 - It was explained that the free-loaders jumped onto the train by force in one exclusive video. A very profound and impressive film. clearly one of my all time Favorited movies without default.
There are some realy good actors in this movie but it looks stupid anyway
Wtf is with the hilly-billy accent " rapping. S. Guy I"m being 110% honest I watched this movie and I appreciate my life Like I never did Before, GREAT MOVIE ????. I want chicken hahahaha. All I"m saying is those two at the end are dead, that polar bear for sure ate them, after 18 years its just like Na, I"m not hungry today. I decided to watch this movie after seeing it on a list titled "The Best Movies of 2014 You Haven"t Seen, and I am so glad I did. This movie will captivate you from the very beginning. The acting is superb and the visual effects are stunning. I went in thinking that this would be just another action movie, but there is so much more beneath the fighting and violence. I had never been overly impressed with Chris Evans" acting skills until watching him in this film. He delivers a raw, emotionally captivating performance that will punch you in the gut. The only reason I didn"t give this movie a 10 is because there are some pretty blatant plot holes and questions that should have been answered to make the film more believable, but in the end, the beauty of this movie definitely outweighs it"s flaws.
* I am not a movie critic and my only film education is one credit hour in Film History. So take my review for what it is: just an opinion from a regular person who loves movies.
After graping the global movie universe"s attention with "The host" 2006) Korean director Bong Joon-ho serves up his first offer in the English language with "Snowpiercer" a futuristic, sci-fi fable as well as a hybrid of art house and mainstream thriller.
The micro depiction of the macro human race is through the titular vehicle (literally meant) – a train that circles the post-apocalyptic world, a frozen hell resulted from the backfire of an over-executed maneuver in battling global warming. Secluded from the outer world, the survivors are stratified by social class, the highest at the front (a perpetual-motion engine) and the lowest at the back. The linear (in more ways than one) story is quite simple, the underprivileged bunch at the back fighting its way, car after car, all the way to the front to gain control of their own destiny. Through the allegory progression, the audience witnesses a rich pageantry of environments – rough workplace, lush greenhouse, giant aquarium, plush lounge, and more.
The impressive cast is well assembled. Chris Evans sheds his "All American" heartthrob image to play this perhaps his first heavy-weight role as an earthy leader of the revolution. John Hurt is the semi-disabled wise old man, a rich reservoir of knowledge. Other key members of the group include Jamie Bell as the young follower, Octavia Spencer as a mother searching for a missing child "drafted" by the ruling class for some obscure purpose, and Song Kang-ho as a Korean security expert. The show-stealing personas, however, are on the opposite side. Most delicious is Tilda Swinton, barely recognizable with ingenious makeup (essentially of a dental nature) playing the spokesperson for the dictator. Allison Pill (so impressive as Zelda Fitzgerald in "Midnight in Paris" is another manifestation of eccentricity, a pregnant kindergarten teacher, all sweetness until she produces a gun and starts shooting. The dictator is competently played by Ed Harris.
The movie is quite long (a little over 2 hours) and does not hurry itself as most blockbuster thrillers would do. Instead, it takes its time with careful, well-crafted character development. But it does hold the audience"s attention with excellent acting and artsy photography.
Subtract all sins: This is a direct sequel to Willy Wonka. Omg for the love of all that is holy, stop rapping. Kingsman2??. The movie was great, they could have made the second novel into a movie instead of restarting again as a show. They will fail.
I liked the You at the end of the Video.
This looked cool right up until it showed the transformation. I really am so sick of vampire movies at this point, I just can"t get remotely excited about them any more.
Looks great.
I thought the polar bear meant that earth had warmed up enough for animals to thrive, meaning they could thrive too. But after hearing your explanation I do think that the intention of the polar bear was a threat to their existence.
Wow. What a brilliant analysis of this movie. I was fortunate enough to see this in a theater. We don"t get too many Korean made films in US theaters. I picked up on a few of these things in the film, but not nearly all of them as you"ve explained. You"ve given me a much greater appreciation of this fine piece of work. Thank you. I"ll be sharing this on FB for sure. Also, thanks for the spoiler warning! Very crucial. You guys, remember to buy Sounds Good Feels Good: looking forward to the new album coming in 2016.
They look like the aliens from Dead Space